Monday, January 2, 2012


I slept 3.5 hours last night.... and that is with the help of my husband.  Why?  My children are infected with the Plague.  Let me tell you about the happenings of our evening.  First of all... my 2 year-old is getting better from this prolonged illness,  with the exception of the volcanic eruption of diarrhea he has every morning.  We had stripped his bed of his stuffed animals, bumper, crib toys, etc.  I figured since his sleeping arrangement was so different anyway, why not make the step from a crib to a toddler bed.  It's not like I could get any less sleep because my baby, Isaac, also has this virus.  However, molten lava is not coming out of his bottom.  He is seeming in perfect health... until he gets into bed.  And then he coughs.  And coughs.  And coughs.   

At about 11:30 last night I decide that I need to go to bed.  I take my shower.  (Obviously, I can't shower while the children awake.  The house would either be burned down or I would be taking someone to the ER when I got out.) As soon as I got out, I hear it.  The flimy, violent cough.  Followed by a cry, then a scream and finally angry babbling. Isaac's up.  I go in and rock him, change his diaper a few times, wrestle with him until 2 am.  I finally decide I just need to give up, so I put him in his crib.  He fusses for a while and finally drifts off to sleep.  I pass out shortly after.  Then I hear Paul (the hubs) jump out of bed and say, "That's Miles!" (The two year old.) I suppose he was roaming about.  Eventually, he comes back to bed and I have 3 blissful hours of uninterrupted sleep.  And then at 5:30 the coughing starts up....followed by screaming.  I am getting up to go get him... And then Miles shuffles in.  I pick him up and carry him to his room.  I put him on the floor for a diaper change and realize that MY shirt is soaked.  I take his pants off and the molten lava is covering his legs.  It has poured down to his toes.  Not only is it covering him... but as I look down at my clothes, I realize it is all over me as well. Paul comes to the rescue and sticks Miles in the shower while I get up Isaac.  Our day begins.  

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